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2019 at Cedarvale

Championship Team: 
On Track Eagan

Melissia Pohl Ashley Sullivan Dennis O'Bryan Brad Gregory Scott Pohl

2nd Place Farmer's Daughters Drkula's

Colleen Hartley Josh Anderson Heather Drkula Dawn Robinette Stephen Ohmann

3rd Place Slow Hand Drkula's

Timothy Drkula Teresa Reichensperger Curtis David Gove Mark Preuss


23rd Annual St. Paul Limited Average Mixed Team Challenge
Sunday, December 8th, 2019 - Final Standings
Cedarvale Lanes
Pos # Team Name Team Captain Prize $
1 ON-TRACK EAGAN Brad Gregory $600.00
2 FARMERS DAUGHTERS DRKULA'S Colleen Hartley $500.00
3 SLOW HAND - DRKULA'S Timothy Drkula $400.00
4 DRAC'S FIREBALLS Alicia Hartley $300.00
5 SHELLY'S PINSTERS Michele Holzemer $270.00
6 ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT! Andrew Jacobson $240.00
7 LUCETTE - DRKULA'S Tammy Gill $220.00
8 DRAC'S PUB Marie Krey $200.00
9 DR. MENTHOL Darrell Cook $180.00
10 WING SHOOTERS John Ament $155.00
11 OUTCASTS Robert Harthaus $140.00
12 SUNDAY FUNDAY Jenny Schwab $125.00



Pos # Team Name Qualify Total Set #1 Total Set #1 Bonus Set #2 Total Set #2 Bonus Set #3 Total Set #3 Bonus Set #4 Total Set #4 Bonus Set #5 Total Set #5 Bonus Set #6 Total Set #6 Bonus Set #7 Total Set #7 Bonus PR   Total PR Bonus GRAND TOTAL Avg Match Total Avg
1 ON-TRACK EAGAN 1,989 466 50 366 35 380 15 421 35 392 35 418 50 401 50 439 35 5,577 205.2 202.8
2 FARMERS DAUGHTERS DRKULA'S 1,942 434 50 352 50 417 50 382 15 385 50 370 0 372 50 399 15 5,333 194.4 194.3
3 SLOW HAND - DRKULA'S 1,902 368 50 340 35 486 35 373 35 435 50 409 50 365 0 363 15 5,311 196.2 193.9
4 DRAC'S FIREBALLS 2,027 370 0 347 35 447 15 402 35 358 0 367 15 369 35 413 35 5,270 192.1 196.2
5 SHELLY'S PINSTERS 1,927 315 0 302 0 398 50 376 15 356 15 354 25 380 50 441 50 5,054 182.6 186.5
6 ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT! 1,961 348 15 325 15 370 0 351 15 467 35 370 0 358 0 340 35 5,005 183.1 188.1
7 LUCETTE - DRKULA'S 1,927 364 0 319 15 429 35 341 15 389 15 354 25 341 15 409 0 4,993 184.1 187.4
8 DRAC'S PUB 1,942 373 35 357 15 362 0 366 35 370 0 381 35 330 0 322 15 4,938 178.8 184.7



Pos # Entry # H/C Team Name Team Captain Start Lane Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Game 7 Game 8 Game 9 Game 10 TOTAL + / - Team Avg
1 18 5 DRAC'S FIREBALLS Alicia Hartley 10 215 187 218 187 195 186 171 201 226 241 2027 27 202.70
2 9 4 ON-TRACK EAGAN Brad Gregory 21 167 167 193 207 216 183 172 202 256 226 1989 -11 198.90
3 10 15 ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT!  ALRIGHT! Andrew Jacobson 19 176 163 178 210 202 204 178 216 192 242 1961 -39 196.10
4 13 1 DRAC'S PUB Marie Krey 1 248 180 195 182 203 187 167 194 175 211 1942 -58 194.20
5 23 2 FARMERS DAUGHTERS DRKULA'S Colleen Hartley 30 183 205 172 202 159 194 205 183 226 213 1942 -58 194.20
6 16 1 LUCETTE - DRKULA'S Tammy Gill 15 215 184 166 234 192 239 164 178 156 199 1927 -73 192.70
7 32 7 SHELLY'S PINSTERS Michele Holzemer 29 210 218 184 173 210 208 175 167 207 175 1927 -73 192.70
8 17 11 SLOW HAND - DRKULA'S Timothy Drkula 2 188 255 165 160 189 228 171 177 179 190 1902 -98 190.20
9 15 6 DR. MENTHOL Darrell Cook 8 171 170 180 175 166 252 178 164 199 231 1886 -114 188.60
10 28 12 WING SHOOTERS John Ament 5 180 225 135 228 136 176 197 175 225 205 1882 -118 188.20
11 26 10 OUTCASTS Robert Harthaus 23 180 152 159 143 209 193 191 207 191 206 1831 -169 183.10
12 20 10 SUNDAY FUNDAY Jenny Schwab 25 193 187 147 199 208 174 178 183 176 170 1815 -185 181.50
13 31 0 WEBER WOOD Janell Niles 17 226 159 158 201 171 162 177 193 169 192 1808 -192 180.80
14 14 1 DRKULA'S Brent Classen 28 214 169 179 159 172 162 180 216 157 192 1800 -200 180.00
15 5 43 POLAR BEERS Chester Pintrowski 4 155 178 217 185 180 206 151 185 150 190 1797 -203 179.70
16 1 15 PUT TOGETHER Edward Vanek 22 147 192 214 128 158 200 192 167 190 191 1779 -221 177.90
17 29 8 BOWLING GODS SARA GORTON - Tony Handrahan 18 145 180 166 187 183 181 188 124 212 198 1764 -236 176.40
18 3 25 KILLER B'S Ann Bryand 12 162 174 160 142 206 170 153 208 169 207 1751 -249 175.10
19 24 7 FAMLAM #1 DUSTIN DORMA - Eric Brandvold  13 182 166 164 129 187 185 144 195 203 194 1749 -251 174.90
20 7 7 PITTER PATTER Chris Hammerschmidt 6 162 184 139 214 229 165 141 137 161 209 1741 -259 174.10
21 19 10 HERE FOR THE BEER Troy Schwab 32 168 161 149 147 205 139 167 194 189 213 1732 -268 173.20
22 8 9 WE FIVE Peggy Stadler 7 175 184 217 137 153 199 176 172 126 165 1704 -296 170.40
23 30 2 ORION'S 5 Thomas O'Ryan 3 154 162 191 170 146 158 182 181 161 162 1667 -333 166.70
24 6 15 TEAM HAME HERE Diane Hammerschmidt 9 179 185 159 142 149 147 159 174 186 187 1667 -333 166.70
25 12 3 N  A  Q Samuel Kuhn 27 168 175 171 161 194 144 173 140 147 190 1663 -337 166.30
26 4 6 BONNIE'S TEAM James Bigelbach 24 146 125 175 173 154 182 163 171 158 186 1633 -367 163.30
27 22 9 FAB TWO Peggy Engel 16 135 161 138 159 171 169 150 138 205 202 1628 -372 162.80
28 21 1 FAB ONE Peggy Engel 20 136 212 131 150 182 165 166 205 156 117 1620 -380 162.00
29 2 30 WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE? Walter Robbins 11 162 151 161 156 164 174 154 173 155 144 1594 -406 159.40
30 11 22 TRI MAX DIRECT Holly Wolf 14 130 181 129 179 187 199 160 154 143 126 1588 -412 158.80
31 27 5 JARS'S Randolph Brenny 31 142 152 163 155 144 162 147 167 144 132 1508 -492 150.80
32 25 21 McPETE'S BOWLERS Joseph Stoltz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2000 0.00


December 8th, 2019



Submitted by: Wells Wescott and David Hoglund – St. Paul Team Challenge Chairpersons

On December 8th, 2019, in Eagan, Minnesota, the 23rd Annual St. Paul Limited Average Mixed Challenge was held at Cedarvale Lanes. This tournament which is probably the best time tournament around, is a handicapped all Baker Format style of bowling where the first bowler bowls the 1st and 6th frames, the second bowler bowls the 2nd and 7th frames and so forth.  Teams are comprised of either 3 men and 2 women and or 3 women and 2 men with a maximum combined average of 950.  Handicap is provided based on the team average at 100% of 950.

The top prize of $600.00 for first place was not the only thing the teams were shooting for as we ran brackets during the qualifying rounds.  In addition, there was a $125 bonus for the first team to shoot a 300 score. The tournament paid the top twelve teams and awarded metals to the top three teams. 

The Qualifying round of the tournament consists of 10 games with the top 8 teams moving on to Match Play competition.  The top 3 teams after Match Play then move on to the Step Ladder finals. 

During the Qualifying competition of the tournament, Drac’s Fireballs team, captained by Alicia Hartley led the field with an average of 202.7.  The lowest average to qualify for the eighth position was 190.2 and an average of 181.5 was required to cash.  The eight teams that moved on to Match play competition were;

            Drac’s Fireballs                                 Farmers Daughters Drkula’s

            On-Track Eagan                               Lucette – Drkula’s

Alright! Alright! Alright!                   Shelly’s Pinsters

            Drac’s Pub                                         Slow Hand – Drkula’s

During the Match Play competition, the On-Track Eagan team averaged 205.2 to achieve the 1st place ranking, followed by the Farmers Daughters Drkula’s team with an average of 194.4 and The Slow Hand – Drkula’s team with an average of 196.2.  Match play competition consists of 7, two game matches and a position round match of two games. Winners of each game in Match Play receive 15 bonus points and the team with the highest total during the match receives another 20 bonus points. A total of 50 bonus points are awarded during each match.

In the stepladder semi-finals, The Farmers Daughters Drkula’s team bowled games of 207 and 181 for a total of 388 to narrowly defeat the Slow Hand – Drkula’s team (191, 175, for a total of 372) and a chance to bowl the On-Track Eagan team for the championship.  In the finals, On-Track Eagan bowled games of 170 and 196 for a total of 366 while The Farmers Daughter team bowled games of 182 and 161 for a total of 343 and win the 2019 St. Paul Limited Average Mixed Team Challenge.

At this time, we would like to congratulate the team members of the On-Track Eagan team; Melissa Pohl, Dennis O’Bryan, Brad Gregory, Ashley Sullivan, and Scott Pohl.  Additional, thank you, to all of the bowlers that participated in this great event and finally, we would also like to thank; Cedarvale Lanes, Mike’s Pro Shop, the St. Paul USBC Association, and the Bowling Proprietors Association for their financial assistance.

No team bowled a 300 score during the qualifying round of the tournament. Therefore, a drawing was held for those teams not cashing.  The bonus of $125.00 for the Baker style 300 game was awarded to the Fab One team captained by Peggy Engel.

The 24th Annual Limited Average Mixed Team Challenge is yet to be determined.  The USBC board will keep everyone advised as to when this tournament will be scheduled.


Submitted by:

Wells Wescott and David Hoglund

Tournament Chairperson’s




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