There are numerous local teams in this great area. All love bowling, all love the opportunity to compete and be the best they can be at a sport some call a game, or at a game some call a sport. Either way, all team members take the time away from other things to travel locally and around the country to give it their best, support their team members, and hope for the #1 spot or at least get a casher. We all know who the best teams in this area are and they all have all had their good and not so good years.
This was the year for dreams, and this was the year for the Lind’s Lakers, a team that was formed at St Anthony Lanes 25 years ago as the Twin City Lakers, and although there have been some changes made, there has been the core group led by Tom Corbett, that has made this team what it is today. Packed with Hall of Fame, and Team USA members, along with numerous titles, this is a team where team come first, and this was their dream year.
Minnesota State:
TEAM: 1st Place Actual and Handicap 3389
Corbett, Sodergren, Green, Savoy and Eiss
DBLS: 1st Place Actual and handicap 1464
Sodergren 800 Smith 664
AE: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place scratch
Sodergren 2010-Voaklander 2008- Eiss 2006
1st Place w/hdcp
Jason Smith 2182 1998 actual
ELMER BEYER Sodergren (high series in any event) 800
TEAM: 1st Place 3532
Lantto, Corbett, Green, Savoy and Eiss
DBLS: 5th Place 1414
Corbett & Eiss
AE: 3rd and 4th
Green 2140 and Eiss 2149
TEAM: 1st Place 3440
Lantto, Miller, Green, Savoy and Eiss
AE: 4th Place 2050
TEAM: 2nd Place 3459
Lantto, Miller, Sodergren, Green and Savoy
SNGLS: 2nd Place 793
AE: 3rd Place 2182
USBC: as of 5-18
TEAM: 2nd Place 3390
Lantto,Green, Voaklander, Savoy and Eiss
DBLS: 6th Place 1444
Eiss & Voaklander
AE: 4th and 7th Place 2174 and 2164
Lantto & Eiss
TEAM AE: 2nd Place 10187
Lantto, Green,Voaklander,Savoy and Eiss
Congratulations to all, for an outstanding year