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Do you know someone that has gone the extra mile in bowling? 
Do you know of someone that is deserving of being nominated into the Minneapolis Hall of Fame? 
Well now is the time to be proactive and get things rolling.  We are now accepting applications for next Augusts' induction ceremony.   
If you have questions about how to nominate someone or even if they might or might not qualify, go to our web site at www.minneapolisbowling.com, click on the Hall of Fame and you will find the applications for both men and women there.  Each has different criteria for service, performance men & women.  You can also call our office for a application at 763/971-0800 and we will either email or snail mail you a form.  Don’t wait to long to do this as the deadline for applications this year are January 15, 2011. 

You could make someone very happy by nominating them to our Hall of Fame. 

Again all applications must be postmarked by January 15, 2011.  They can be dropped off or sent to our office at 9673—63rd Ave. N in Maple Grove.