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  My Nickel’s Worth                                   by Randy Ooney


Bling Bling


Take the “OW” out of BOWLING and you have BLING.  I wonder what is Paris Hilton’s average.  To be sure, she must use a 12 lb crystal sapphire bowling ball drilled at On Track, Beverly hills, and customized with super soft grips so as not to break a nail.


So, I began to think of other words that can be formed from the letters in “Bowling”.


OW - this word is used when you show up for your Monday morning       traveling league and throw your first shadow ball, after bowling all day  Sunday in an MSC Tournament

BOWL - not only our favorite recreational activity, but something from which you can eat soup, cereal, or nuts.

LOB - my normal delivery of a bowling ball.  It will be yours also when you get to be my age.

WIN - the goal of all bowlers.

NOW - when to reach that goal.

BOW - something to do after a 300 game.

BOIL - something to do after a 150 game.

BLOW - miss a spare.

GLOW - Saturday night bowling

GIN - beverage of choice for many bowlers

GLOB - what comes back on your ball when the belt in the back gets a little too warm.

BLOG - an internet thing to do between bowling seasons.

OIL - lane dressing at $145.00 per barrel.

LONG - oil pattern at the USBC Tournament.

WING - the part of the turkey that’s always left after Thanksgiving.

NOB - a hill in San Francisco

WINO - There’s one in every league.

BONG - obob who reads this column faithfully

BING - a cherry or a Crosby

GLIB - enough said. 


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