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    by Randy Ooney     

My Nickel’s Worth                     by Randy Ooney


My Nickel’s Worth                      by Randy Ooney



Awhile back I visited with Randy Pederson at Mermaid Bowl.  I was interested in the mulligan that was allowed to Bob Learn on a missed ten pin some years ago.  Randy’s answer was that somebody in the crowd moved.  I was not impressed with that answer.  Fan interference was taken from the PBA rule book after that incident as well it should be.  I realize that when the PBA gets to its TV finals, that there is heightened pressure on the bowlers, but come on.  Every bowling center I have ever enjoyed has noise, and people moving on adjacent lanes.  The general rule of etiquette is one adjacent open lane.  Depending on the situation, I will sometimes wait for two.  For example, I had occasion to bowl on a pair next to John Kreyer last week.  I stood in awe as he delivered his shot, and watched the ball explode and shred the rack time after time.  John can deliver a most powerful ball; even better than drock!


However, it’s one thing to throw shots that others stop to watch, and totally something else to perform antics on the lanes to make sure others are noticing.  If you’re over seventy and your knees hurt, it’s okay to go down on one knee at the foul line.  If you’re a youthful age and hit the floor on the approach, you’re a hot dog, and you are distracting other competitors that are bowling.  Scoring equipment and ball return housings are expensive and should be treated with respect.  If you insist on pounding or kicking them so others will notice that you threw a bad shot and left a split or missed a ten pin, you are a hot dog and should be awarded a Rob Shaver award for outstanding tantrums.


Which brings me to Sunday’s World Champion PBA event from South Point in Las Vegas.  Those who like Pete Weber call him a showman, and those that don’t call him a hot dog.  I have mixed emotions since I bowled with him at Treasure Island in August.  He convinced me that in real life he is amicable and just puts the hot dog bun on for TV.  However, “Who do you think you are? I am!” is not grammatically correct, but I sometimes like to repeat it on the lanes for those of you who missed it on TV.  I am a senior citizen, and I miss the old days.  I never witnessed Earl Anthony, Dick Weber, Mark Roth, or other PBA Hall of Famers trash talk for the TV cameras.  I am hinting that today’s antics may be choreographed by PBA officials.  Having said that, I am now suggesting that Sean Rash is a Hot Dog of the highest order and I have trouble even watching him bowl.  His start and stop antics are as bad as watching Mike Pelfrey pitch.  I am sure he was fined over a thousand dollars on the Sunday show; you would think he would learn a lesson.  Win or lose, his performance is unprofessional, and it lends credence to players dubbing him with the nickname Diaper.      



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